Question: 1 / 50

What does terminal illness indicate?

A temporary health condition

A manageable chronic disease

A severe infection

A disease or condition that will eventually cause death

Terminal illness refers to a medical condition or disease that is expected to lead to death, usually within a relatively short period of time. It indicates that the illness is severe and progressive, meaning that it is unlikely to improve significantly and typically advances toward the end of life. Terminal illnesses are often associated with complex medical care needs and may require end-of-life planning and palliative care to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. The other choices represent different health issues that do not align with the definition of terminal illness. For example, a temporary health condition suggests that recovery is possible, whereas a manageable chronic disease indicates ongoing but controllable health issues. A severe infection, while potentially life-threatening, does not inherently suggest that it will lead to death in the long term, as many infections can be treated effectively.


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